Catering and Event Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

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Catering and event planning should be well thought out to ensure everything goes according to plan. For example, there must be considerations surrounding the venue, the guest list, the date, and the overall budget. Focusing on such issues enables you to develop a relevant event blueprint to ensure the occasion succeeds.

This guide looks at some core elements to consider when planning catering. The objective is to help you understand what to go for during catering and event planning in the future.

What Are the Core Features of an Event Plan?

An event plan is a manual that contains an event’s components and the activities that should take place. This method enables you to coordinate and align the elements with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives.

Why is an event plan important? The main upside of event planning is that it becomes easier to stay on track as you make the necessary arrangements. In this regard, we have outlined the key issues to consider below:

1. Develop Your Event Goal and Objectives

The first consideration is recognizing what you wish to accomplish from the event. Creating tangible goals and objectives to optimize each process for success would be advisable. For example, you might plan an end-of-year dinner party, a fundraiser, or a simple networking meet-up.

Setting SMART goals makes it easier for your organization to attain the intended results and implement the necessary measures when you miss your target at any stage of the planning process.

2. Organize Your Team

No event can become a success if there is no teamwork. Every member has to handle specific event details for maximum output. For example, you can create notable roles for each member, such as those regarding entertainment, publicity, and venue management.

The aim is to ensure accountability at each stage of the process.

3. Establish Your Budget

Next up, you will want to determine how much you wish to spend. Why is this important? First, a solid budget enables you to set realistic parameters. There will be no impromptu decisions that drive everything off course.

Secondly, budgeting enables you to keep costs at a minimum. For example, when you know how much you wish to spend on food, the venue, décor, or staff, the chances of experiencing cost overruns are minimal. It’s always better to make a reservation beforehand but only reserve the total amount until you can finalize the booking.

4. Set the Date

Finally, decide when you want the event to take place ahead of time. This step enables everyone to be available for the event since they will be better placed to control their schedules.

Food and Beverage – Catering

We offer catering packages tailored to meet your budget and needs. Whether you want us to do all the work or supply some of the food and beverages, we’ve got you covered.

Choose Catering Style

Our catering services cover any type of event, big or small, corporate to personal. Our clients range from small businesses looking for a simple party to high-profile organizations seeking a sophisticated gala. No matter what kind of occasion you’re hosting, we have the experience and expertise to plan and execute a memorable event.

Once you’ve selected what style of dishes you’ll serve, now it’s time for you to taste test them yourself. Ask us any questions you might have about the food, and we’re happy to help you make changes if needed. We can also offer recommendations based on our experience working alongside chefs worldwide.

Add Dietary Restriction Menu Items

Dietary restriction menu items ensure that everyone’s food options are catered to. For example, you can add items for vegans, vegetarians, people with peanut allergies, and those that are lactose intolerant during catering and event planning.

When planning dietary restriction catering, you should choose a caterer that offers dietary restriction catering. Sterling Catering offers different dietary restriction catering options, each offering a unique experience for your guests.

Pick the Venue

Finally, decide where your event will take place in the Twin Cities. Remember to work within your budget and select tasteful foods your guests won’t stop discussing!

Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue or throwing a lavish affair, you’ll want to pick the perfect venue in the Twin Cities area.

Sterling Catering has a variety of venues to choose from, each with its distinct charm and equipped to handle various amounts of guests. Schedule a tour to find the perfect space for your next event!

Now you’re equipped to plan events from start to finish with Sterling Catering

Planning the perfect wedding, corporate gathering, or family event has never been more straightforward when using the ultimate event planning guide by Sterling Catering.

If you have any inquiries regarding catering and event planning for an upcoming event in the Twin Cities, you can always contact us to learn more and receive the help you need to plan your next event.

We can help you find the best venue for your event, schedule a tasting for foods you want to try, and finalize booking your event today!